Behold Ye Ramblers
Performed By: Townsend Theatre Productions
In Association With The Society For The Study of Labour History
Friday 12th April 7.30pm
BEHOLD YE RAMBLERS is a new play by Neil Gore.
From the voices of ramblers and campaigners to the songs and poetry inspired by past and current struggles, “Behold Ye Ramblers” is a new play about The Clarion newspaper and the organisations formed by its readership, including the famous rambling club, The Sheffield Clarion Ramblers.
Along with the Clarion Cyclists, these early Edwardian pioneers promoted healthy outdoor pursuits, organising expeditions across open moors and mountains whilst campaigning for the right to roam, bringing them into conflict with landowners’ hunting and shooting activities and laws that prioritised private
property over the wellbeing of others.